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Nukilan Fairuz Azmi Buat Rakyat Malaysia CC : DS Najib Tun Razak. #MH370

Dear Malaysian. CC: DS Najib Tun Razak. #MH370


Selame neh aku tak pernah buat ape-ape entry yang heavy. And tak pernah ade nawaitu soma ghodin pun nak buat. Aku lebih prefer buat entry yang ringan, tak betul, gile, gelojoh dan sewaktu dengannye. Sekali pandang dah macam remaje yang takde mase depan. Tu baru sekali pandang. Kalau due kali pandang confirm memang dah takde mase depan. Ape tah lagi kalu 3 kali pandang, 4 kali, dan seterusnye. Memang begitulah hidup.

Tapi pagi neh aku bangun dari tidur, macam biase aku capai handphone dulu. Cek kalau ade sape-sape contact. Mane la tahu hari neh merupekan hari bertuah aku. Mungkin Gambit Saifullah yang hensem badan ketak-ketak tuh tetibe diberi taufiq dan hidayah untuk contact aku. Who knows kan. Peluang yang datang dalam hidup neh kadang-kadang kite tak boleh nak duge sangat.

Then aku cek moment and last sekali cek facebook. Biaselah hidup aku neh memang die punye berkat lain macam sikit. Pagi-pagi lagi celik je mate terusss hadap facebook. And bile aku cek facebook tuh i found something yang sangatttt...tah la. I dont know how to describe. It is regarding the tragedy of MH370. Yang pasti, it make me tearing up.. i found this... Please bace sampai habis before you make any judgement.

               facebook william cheah

Ketepikan soal politik.
Ketepikan isu cincin 24juta.
Ketepikan perihal sabit salah laku liwat.
Ketepikan semue tuh sebentar.
I want you to read the next content dengan perasaan neutral. Regardless la korang penyokong puak A atau puak B.

Because this is not about being as a supporter to any party. But this is all about being as a Malaysian.
This is not about political issues. But this is about nationality issues.

Dear Malaysian, look thoroughly. Dont only open your eyes. But open your heart too. Sekarang neh satu dunie menghentam negare kite. Yes. The whole world. Tak cukup dengan tu laman-laman media negare-negare lain sibuk canang itu ini berite yang buruk-buruk pasal negare kite. Rakyat-rakyat dari negare lain, include their public figure pun turut same menghentam. Menyebarkan berite yang buruk-buruk tentang negare kite.

berite penuh & kredit to : malaysiakini


The question is, how you react about this? Turut same join sekaki menghentam? Sebab ape? Because you are not pro government, so that what the whole world talk bad about Malaysia are true? Or maybe some peoples will say that “im a pro government. But i really do think that all of these are totally conspiracy by our government.” Or maybe some peoples will say, “aku pengundi atas pagar. Aku tak sokong mane-mane pihak. Tapi aku memang yakin neh semue conspiracy kerajaan kite.”

Peoples, KALAU neh semue memang konspirasi, kalau lah memang begitu ceritenye, is that really by our government? Is that really by our national leader?

OR is it by AMERICA?

It so ironic. The situation is just let u to choose either one. Aku neh bukan lah pandai sangat nak pung pang, buat research itu ini pasal tragedi MH370 neh. Bukan jugak niat aku nak cakap yang neh semue hanye tragedi, tiade sebarang konspirasi. Tak tak. Bukan tuh niat aku. Sebagai rakyat biase, what is really happened behind this tragedy, memang kite tak tahu. Kite cume boleh bace, buat kajian, kaji selidik. 

Tapi the real truth is, hanye Allah and peoples who involved je yang tahu ape yang jadi. Segale rahsie-rahsie kerajaan and jugak antare pemimpin-pemimpin besar from the entire world with our government, ape sebenar-benar beban yang mereke tengah tanggung sekarang, ape dilemma yang dorang tengah face sekarang, hanye mereke yang merase segale keluh kesah nye. Ramai yang timbulkan isu kenape DS Najib macam mengelak soalan wartawan, kenape jawapan daripade krew-krew SAR tak consistent. Guys, korang tahu ke sebenarnye ape yang dieorang tengah tanggung? Dilemma tahap berape yang dieorang tengah face? Bende neh global issue. Kalau betul ade konspirasi and involve Amerika, lagi banyak bende yang mereka perlu kunci mulut for the sake of certain thing.

Aku pernah tengok satu movie yang pengganas-pengganas from the other country neh hold satu building as their hostage because semue orang dalam building tuh tahu rahsie and konspirasi dieorang. Presiden tuh mintak pengganas neh lepaskan hostage-hostage tuh. Tapi dorang bagi kate due kat Presiden negare tuh suruh pilih, nyawe satu building tu ke or nyawe satu country die. Wartawan datang meluru-luru tanye soalan itu ini. But Presiden die tak boleh nak bukak mulut ape-ape tentang tuh. Nak cakap aku kaki DVD? terpulang lah. Senang cerite, kalau korang tak tau the real and exact situation, please dont say like u had been in his shoe. Please, man.

Kalau korang benci sangat kat DS najib sekalipun,Walau sejahat or seteruk mane pun seorang pemimpin tu, ingatlah, takde pemimpin yang mahukan negare die “diusik” and jadik chaos. Takde beb. Takde. Even Bush yang jahat nak mampos tuh pun, he still protect his country.

I advise you to grab the book of “Art of Deception” by Jerry D. Gray. Slowly korang boleh nampak ape yang dirancang oleh Amerika sebenarnye. Malaysia adelah ketue negare Islam untuk seluruh dunie. Take a look at the past. Ape jadik kat negare-negare yang pernah memegang tampuk sebagai ketue negare islam? Yes. It is WAR. War, man. By who? Kerajaan malaysie ke? You answer it for yourself.

This is Jerry D. Gray. penulis buku.

Its not an easy thing to be a leader. Ketue tuh macam pokok. Rakyat tuh umpame akar. Kalau nak pokok berdiri utuh, akar mesti kene sokong. Rapuh akar, tumbang lah pokok. Tengok lah ape jadi pade negare Libya. Waktu tengah hot pasal isu Libya, kite kat Malaysie neh geleng kepale je kenape la rakyat-rakyat die terlalu senang terpengaruh dengan momokan and propaganda Amerika. Sampai willing tumbangkan pemimpin sendiri. End up what happen to Libya now?


Tapi see what happen now. Walaupun peristiwe berbeze, tetapi konsep and resultnye still same. Something comes up. Amerika masuk campur. Sebar propaganda. Rakyat benci pemerintah negare sendiri. Pemimpin tumbang. Then next??? WAR? Recall balik sejarah. Macam mane kite dijajah disebabkan oleh propaganda yang dibawe oleh Jepun. Learn from the past, so that we wouldnt tend to repeat it. I know there might be some peoples out there yang akn cakap, “kalau dah tak percaye kat amerika, kenape nak mintak tolong dieorang?”

Kau kene faham beb. Ini tragedi. Pertolongan di buke and terbukakkk. Plus rakyat die ade dalam that plane. Lagipun this is global issue. Not ASEAN issue. Kalau ASEAN issue, yes we have to handle it in ASEAN way. kite kene invite, kene mintak tolong, baru pertolongan tibe. Sebab ASEAN memang sangat mengamalkan sikap non-interference. But when it come to a tragedy sekalipun, selaunye ASEAN wouldnt handle it an ASEAN way. They will just straight away hantar bantuan atas dasar hubungan diplomatik. In the whole world, ASEAN is the second strongest group of countries yang sangat kuat bond to each other. Lagipun Malaysia tak cukup equipment daripade segi teknologi and alatan. So get your facts right before nak persoal itu ini.

So far DS Najib is still stand there as our Prime Minister. Yes he is. Walaupun ramai yang gesa die letak jawatan but he is still stand there. I cant imagine what happen next IF DS Najib letak jawatan. Seriusly i cant. Hard to believe that Amerika berjaye suntik to hate our own leader dengan care yang sangat halus. Look the situation carefully. Situasi neh tak same tau dengan korang nak tumbangkan DS Najib sebab nak orang lain jadik pemerintah. Tak same. This is global issue. The whole world ambush our beloved country. And the biggest bash is goes to-->DS Najib. And America plays the biggest role for it.

Tak kisah la cabang mane sekalipun fahaman korang, mazhab mane korang ikut, page politician mane yang korang like kat pesbuk, the situation now is, DS Najib, he is the representative of our country waktu tragedi neh jadik. Die lah yang paling tertekan. Die lah the first person yang perlu berhadapan dengan dunie tentang perkare neh. Konco-konco die adelah orang-orang yang berhempas pulas bersame-same dengan die untuk tu. And this is the fact. No one can deny it. Ke korang nampak orang lain yang berhempas pulas? Tak tau la pulak kan. Sebab aku cume nampak muke-muke dorang neh je.

I dont mean to blame anyone or any group. This entry is very general. Sebab aku tahu ade je supporter die yang turut same benci die bile peristiwe neh jadik. And up to now dah clearly memang betape dasyat momokan and propaganda media barat towards our country. But still there are some Malaysians out there yang support those tuduhan. Padahal kalu ade orang talk bad about negeri asal kite, orang kutuk kelas kite, orang kutuk universiti kite, orang kutuk sekolah kite, waima orang kutuk rumah sukan kite pun, tau pulak kite marah. Tapi kenape bile other country bash negare kite, kite sokong?  What is really in your mind peoples? I dont get it.

Sikap amarah, it brings no good. True. BUT kalau dah sampai tahap negare kite dicaci, dimaki, dihine, dikeji, difitnah and kite tak rase marah, that is such a disaster. Itu teruk. Itu memang worse. I mean terribly worse. Coz it show that yang memang takde sebarang nilai patriotik lansung, semangat cinte kan negare, waima sekelumit pun dalam diri individu tuh. Dari kecik lagi kite kat sekolah rendah sampai bawak ke sekolah menengah, setiap kali hari kemerdekaan buat perarakan, buat sepanduk tebar besar-besar. Laung slogan "BECAUSE OF U, MALAYSIA." but look at us right now. Media barat publish yang buruk-buruk about our country, the whole world mengeji negare kite, and kite boleh...SOKONG???

There is one thing u have to understand that golongan politicians neh they are very high in the sense of professionalism. Professionalism yang macam mane? Debate pung pang pung pang dalam parlimen pun then kua parlimen rilex je boleh gurau-gurau, visit rumah terbuke each other waktu raye. Kat media nampak macam gaduh kemain tapi padahal still boleh duduk semeja rilex je minum kopi latte. Tu lah dunie politik. Takde musuh yang selame-lamenye musuh and takde sahabat yang selame-lamenye sahabat. Selalunye pengikut fanatik dorang je yang bertelagah itu ini sampai keluar bahase kesat pertahankan pendapat and pemimpin masing-masing. Eh terase ke? ops. sory..hahaha.

Politicians mane-mane kat dalam dunie neh pun same je. Professionalism di kalangan golongan politik tertinggi neh bukan calang-calang punye. Dorang takde nye hehhh nak buat perangai budak sekolah kebangsaan pok pek pok pek kutuk secare personal cakap belakang. So whatever other country says about DS Najib, die tuju kat Malaysia sebenarnye since DS Najib is our Prime Minister, the biggest representative of our country. Bukan najib in personal. Senang cerite in politic world, there is no istilah "kritik kerajaan sesebuah negare" or "kritik pentadbiran sesebuah negare". Coz konklusinye nanti, at the end nye nanti its all about "kritik negare tuh". Dieorang attack our government, means dieorang attack our country. Or peribahase cakap, pukul anak sindir menantu. Dorang bash kerajaan, and imej negare kite yang buruk. Tapi kalau korang kritik care pentadbiran seseorang perdane menteri tuh and it is being discussed within the country, itu lain citer. Konsep neh kene paham.

Memang betul cakap william. Its time beb. Its time.

Dear Malaysian,

Let me remind you. You are Malaysian. This is Malaysia, our beloved country. DS Najib and his peoples in handling this issue are our representative. Do love your country. Do protect your country. Malaysia cume ade satu je dalam dunie neh. Tiade due nye. Stand with our leader, be unite. Sounds poyo? Mungkin bile one day korang celik mate pagi-pagi dengar bunyik bom sane sini, hujan peluru merate-rate baru korang akan faham what is the kind of value that i try to say here. Come on. Wake up Malaysian. Wake up.

To my beloved Prime Minister, DS Najib,

I dont know how many of Malaysians out there who are stand beside you right now. I just want to let you know that I stand here, beside of u to be with u, to face the world for what had happen. I might not be able to help in the SAR, and i might not be able to brings any contribution to clear the name of our country, and i might not be able to really be in your shoe, feel the burden on your shoulder, and i might not be able to feel exactly as what u feel regarding on those harsh words from the entire world to u. But my prays is always goes to u and to Malaysia too. Thank you to you and all of your peoples who are willing to stand there to face the world as the representative of our country. Be strong DS.

Student of Bachelor of Administrative Science & Policy Studies,
UiTM Seremban 3.

*segale gambar adelah ihsan google and page saya sayang tun dr mahathir muhammad.


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